It seems like ages since someone in our house hasn't been sniffling, coughing, or dealing with ear aches and sinus trouble. I was vexed. Everyone gets a cold once in a while, but why is it that we can't seem to get well?
As many of you know we eat a pretty healthy diet around here. We are modified vegetarians (we eat fish) and modified vegans (we eat eggs), which means: no meat (other than fish), no dairy products, very few sweets/snacks and lots of veggies. We take probiotics and vitamins regularly. We also eat mostly organic and natural foods and avoid almost all processed and packaged foods, including soy-based fake meats (although we do enjoy the occasional veggie version of Sloppy Joes).
So...what's been going on?
Well joy of joys Toby has finally figured it out! Last June we had a washing machine malfunction that caused flooding in our apartment. The carpet in the dining, living and main hall areas, as well as Sophie's bedroom and closet were all soaked. While our complex did everything they could to dry it, clean it, and treat the floor, pad and rug so it wouldn't mold or mildew, according to Toby's nose their efforts were not successful. This is bad news since we all have high allergic reactions to mold and mildew.
Today I will be approaching them to request the carpet be replaced. I am sure they would have done it when I asked last June if it hadn't been new when we moved in last February.
In any case, I am so elated to have found the probable cause of our health issues that I am prepared to offer to pay for new carpet myself. Now of course I won't go in with that offer. First I am going to see if they will do it on their own, then I'll offer to split it. Only as a last resort will I suggest that we will foot the entire bill. But if it comes to that I really don't care. I am just so grateful that we may have some light at the end of our mucus-filled tunnel (eeeew gross!).
I am not worried that we are dealing with the "black mold" that is so dangerous. At least I hope we are not. It's more likely just your average house-hold mildew that's causing the problem. I will probably have someone come out and clean the AC ducts as well - just in case. We'll have to see when the carpet comes up.
And so life goes on...each day presenting a choice. Why be angry or upset about the hassle and expense of replacing the carpet when we can celebrate finding and eradicating the likely source of our stuffy heads! Why be resentful that they didn't change the carpet to begin with as I had asked when we can look forward freedom from hacking all night!
And just think of the old-growth trees that will be saved from our reduced Kleenex use.
Yes, there is much to celebrate this morning!
Naturally, I'll keep you posted on how things turn out...
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